The concept behind this Eco-Industrial styled photo shoot was to bring awareness to the beauty that still remains in old or discarded items that are all around us. The location chosen for the photo shoot allowed us to create a beautiful window scene demonstrating the beauty and romance in repurposing something old, and even something broken.
handcrafted chandeliers made from damaged bicycles :: handcrafted frame welded from scrap angle iron :: handcrafted cross welded from scrap metal pieces :: handcrafted tree stump stands cut from a section of a dead tree and stripped of bark :: handcrafted dress made out of 100% unbleached cotton, recycled from a previous toile fitting :: handcrafted lace appliqué from various vintage laces purchased at flea markets, vintage fairs, and yard sales :: handcrafted head piece made of remnant tulle, netting and more vintage lace + orange gladiolus florets created into a “glamelia”or composite flower :: handcrafted gloves made from latex remnants and lace :: handcrafted rabbit foot fern hanging string garden created from household plants by washing roots and wrapping them in light green moss and recycled orange yarn :: handcrafted cinnamon chocolate cake with buttercream frosting and caramel drizzle topped off with candied oranges all made from scratch :: cake stand metal wall art :: ground cactus metal wall art :: ground gazelle metal wall art restored from a broken state